

This is a simple example written in Erlang of the real-time group-collaboration algorithm Operational Transformation. OT is an optimistic algorithm that lets clients apply operations to a document immediately as they are created, and only synchronizes the changes with the server after they have been made. If another client has altered the document while the first client was making the first operation, we can transform each operation so that the server and every client will be brought back to the same document state.

Each operation is either an insert or a delete of a single character at an index in a document. A document is simply a string. This is hardly fit for real-world use: most documents are more complicated than plain text, and working one character at a time will create an unneccessary amount of operations which require transformations. The large amount of operations taxes bandwitdh more than you would want in a real world application, as well. I am using single character operations for simplicity.

-export([start/0, stop/0, server/1, client/1, get_doc/0]).


TODO: expand on operations.


The following description of the xform function is taken from High-Latency, Low-Bandwidth Windowing in the Jupiter Collaboration System.

The general tool for handling conflicting messages is a function, xform, that maps a pair of messages to the fixed up versions. We write

xform(c, s) = {c’, s’}

where c and s are the original client and server messages. The messages c’ and s’ must have the property that if the client applies c followed by s’, and the server applies s followed by c’, then the client and server will wind up in the same final state.

In our simple example, there are only 6 possible pairs of operation types which must be unified with eachother: nop/nop, delete/nop, insert/nop, delete/delete, insert/insert, and insert/delete.



Transforming a pair of operations when one is nop (no operation) is simple: we don't really need to actually calculate the transformation anything.

xform(nop, nop) ->
    {ok, {nop, nop}};
xform(nop, {ins, X, A}) ->
    {ok, ;
xform({ins, X, A}, nop) ->
    {ok, {nop, {ins, X, A}}};
xform(nop, {del, X}) ->
    {ok, ;
xform({del, X}, nop) ->
    {ok, {nop, {del, X}}};


The Delete/Delete pair is the easiest case to transform, besides nop. If both operations deleted the same character, then emit the nop operation because they are already in the same state. Otherwise, just shift the index of the delete with the larger index down by one.

xform({del, X}, {del, X}) ->
    {ok, {nop, nop}};
xform({del, X}, {del, Y}) when X > Y ->
    {ok, ;
xform({del, X}, {del, Y}) when Y > X ->
    {ok, ;


Each insert operation has the form {ins, Index, Character}. We break ties based on order of the characters, and always keep user data by shifting insertion indices rather than creating deletion operations.

xform({ins, X, A}, {ins, X, A}) ->
    {ok, {nop, nop}};
xform({ins, X, A}, {ins, X, B}) when A < B->
    {ok, ;
xform({ins, X, A}, {ins, X, B}) when A > B->
    {ok, ;
xform({ins, X, A}, {ins, Y, B}) when X > Y ->
    {ok, ;
xform({ins, X, A}, {ins, Y, B}) when Y > X ->
    {ok, ;


What do we do when one operation is an insert and the other is a delete? We always attempt to keep the insert so that we do not lose user data. It is always better to force users to go back and delete data to clean a document up than it is to lose data.

xform({ins, X, A}, {del, Y}) when X =< Y ->
    {ok, ;
xform({ins, X, A}, {del, Y}) when X > Y->
    {ok, ;
xform({del, D}, {ins, X, C}) ->
    {ok, {Bprime, Aprime}} = xform({ins, X, C}, {del, D}),
    {ok, {Aprime, Bprime}};

xform(A, B) ->
    {error, {"Do not know how to transform:", A, B}}.


apply_op takes two arguments: a document (which is currently just a string), and an operation. It returns a new document which is identical to the first, accept with the modifications described in the operation applied to it.

apply_op(Doc, nop) ->
apply_op(Doc, {del, X}) ->
    Doc_Length = length(Doc),
    lists:sublist(Doc, X) ++ lists:sublist(Doc, X+2, Doc_Length);
apply_op(Doc, {ins, 0, Char}) ->
    [Char] ++ Doc;
apply_op([H|T], {ins, X, Char}) ->
    [H | apply_op(T, {ins, X-1, Char})].

Messages and Client/Server Communication

When passing our operations between client and server, we need to store some metadata about the operation with it. We will call the combination of an operation and its metadata a message.

What kind of metadata do we need to store? Well we need to know an operation's parent document state. It only makes sense to apply an operation to a document which is in the same state as the document which generated the operation was in.

The easiest way to represent a document's state is a hash of its contents. Daniel Spiewak sings the praises of using a hash to represent a document's state (although, for compatibility with Google Wave, he is forced into using a diferent technique):

This scheme has some very nice advantages. Given an operation (and its associated parent hash), we can determine instantly whether or not we have the appropriate document state to apply said operation. Hashes also have the very convenient property of converging exactly when the document states converge.

Daniel's article on understanding Operational Transformation is a must read for anyone interested in the topic.

We will represent messages with the structure {msg, Parent, Operation}.

hash(Doc) ->

apply_message(Doc, {msg, Parent, Op}) ->
    case hash(Doc) == Parent of
        true ->
            {ok, apply_op(Doc, Op)};
        false ->
            {error, "Cannot apply this message to the document because the
                     operation was generated from a different document state."}

server(Doc) ->
    server(Doc, [], []).

server(Doc, Clients, History) ->
        stop ->
            ?debugMsg("Server stopping~n"),
            lists:foreach(fun (C) -> C ! stop end, Clients),
        {doc, Pid} ->
            Pid ! Doc,
            server(Doc, Clients, History);
        {newclient, Pid} ->
            ?debugFmt("Server got new client ~p~n", [Pid]),
            Pid ! {doc, Doc},
            server(Doc, [Pid | Clients], History);
        {msg, Parent, Op} ->
            % TODO: look in history
            ?debugFmt("Server got new message with op ~p~n", [Op]),
            case apply_message(Doc, {msg, Parent, Op}) of
                {ok, New_Doc} ->
                    ?debugMsg("    message applied successfully~n"),
                    broadcast(Clients, {msg, Parent, Op}),
                           [{hash(New_Doc), New_Doc} | History]);
                _ ->
                    ?debugMsg("    message did not apply, ignoring it...~n"),
                    server(Doc, Clients, History)

broadcast([], _) ->
broadcast([C|Clients], Msg) ->
    ?debugFmt("broadcasting ~p to ~p~n", [Msg, C]),
    C ! Msg,
    broadcast(Clients, Msg).

client(Server) ->
    Server ! {newclient, self()},
        {doc, Doc} ->
            Server ! {msg, hash(Doc), nop},
            client(Server, Doc, [{nop, Doc}])

% TODO: outgoing should be pairs of {Op, Doc}...
client(Server, Doc, Outgoing) ->
        {user_op, Op} ->
            ?debugFmt("Client ~p received user op ~p~n", [self(), Op]),
            case Outgoing of
                [] ->
                    ?debugMsg("    sending the new operation~n"),
                    Server ! {msg, hash(Doc), Op},
                    client(Server, Doc, [{Op, apply_op(Doc, Op)}]);
                _ ->
                    ?debugMsg("    queueing the new operation~n"),
                    client(Server, Doc, Outgoing ++ [{Op, apply_op(Doc, Op)}])
        {msg, Hash, Op} ->
            ?debugFmt("Client ~p got message from server: ~p~n", [self(), {msg, Hash, Op}]),
            Hash = hash(Doc),
            New_Doc = apply_op(Doc, Op),
            case Outgoing of
                [{Op, New_Doc} | Rest] ->
                    ?debugMsg("    it was one that I sent~n"),
                    case Rest of
                        [{Next_Op, _} | _] ->
                            ?debugFmt("Client ~p sending buffered operation ~p to server~n", [self(), Next_Op]),
                            Server ! {msg, hash(New_Doc), Next_Op},
                            client(Server, New_Doc, Rest);
                        [] ->
                            client(Server, New_Doc, [])
                _ ->
                    ?debugMsg("    it was one someone else sent~n"),
                    Outgoing1 = transform_each(Outgoing, Op),
                    client(Server, New_Doc, Outgoing1)

transform_each([], _) ->
transform_each([{A, Doc} | Rest], B) ->
    {ok, {Aprime, Bprime}} = xform(A, B),
    [{Aprime, Doc} | transform_each(Rest, Bprime)].


OTP Application interface to play nice with the Erlang ecosystem.

TODO: http://www.erlang.org/doc/design_principles/applications.html

start() ->
    register(ot_server, spawn_link(ot, server, [""])).

stop() ->
    ot_server ! stop.

get_doc() ->

get_doc(Server) ->
    Server ! {doc, self()},
        Doc ->


identical_delete_test() ->
    A = B = {del, 3},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "foo" = apply_op(apply_op("food", A), Bp),
    "foo" = apply_op(apply_op("food", B), Ap).

identical_insert_test() ->
    A = B = {ins, 3, $d},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "food" = apply_op(apply_op("foo", A), Bp),
    "food" = apply_op(apply_op("foo", B), Ap).

two_deletes_a_test() ->
    A = {del, 4},
    B = {del, 2},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "erag" = apply_op(apply_op("erlang", A), Bp),
    "erag" = apply_op(apply_op("erlang", B), Ap).

two_deletes_b_test() ->
    A = {del, 2},
    B = {del, 4},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "erag" = apply_op(apply_op("erlang", A), Bp),
    "erag" = apply_op(apply_op("erlang", B), Ap).

two_inserts_a_test() ->
    A = {ins, 1, $c},
    B = {ins, 3, $t},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "scooter" = apply_op(apply_op("sooer", A), Bp),
    "scooter" = apply_op(apply_op("sooer", B), Ap).

two_inserts_b_test() ->
    A = {ins, 3, $t},
    B = {ins, 1, $c},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "scooter" = apply_op(apply_op("sooer", A), Bp),
    "scooter" = apply_op(apply_op("sooer", B), Ap).

insert_delete_a_test() ->
    A = {ins, 2, $t},
    B = {del, 2},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "cat" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", A), Bp),
    "cat" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", B), Ap).

insert_delete_b_test() ->
    A = {ins, 2, $t},
    B = {del, 0},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "atb" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", A), Bp),
    "atb" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", B), Ap).

insert_delete_c_test() ->
    A = {ins, 0, $t},
    B = {del, 2},
    {ok, {Ap, Bp}} = xform(A, B),
    "tca" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", A), Bp),
    "tca" = apply_op(apply_op("cab", B), Ap).

client_server_communication_test() ->
    Server = spawn_link(ot, server, [" is cool"]),
    Client = spawn_link(ot, client, [Server]),
    Client ! {user_op, {ins, 0, $n}},
    Client ! {user_op, {ins, 1, $i}},
    Client ! {user_op, {ins, 2, $c}},
    Client ! {user_op, {ins, 3, $k}},
    "nick" = get_doc(Server),
    Server ! stop.